Neueste Nachrichten
Neuigkeiten aus meiner Forschung, Vorträgen und anderen interessanten Themen
Neuromarketing Conference 2021
I am confirmed to speak at Neuromarketing Conference 2021 on day 1 in German on "Neuropricing – Marketingerfolg durch das richtige Pricing boosten" and on day 2 in English with a workshop on
B2B-Neuropricing! See more and register here:
AUGUST 18, 2021
Kolumne Preismanagement im Staatsanzeiger Baden-Württemberg
Von August bis Oktober erscheint meine Kolumne "Preismanagement" im Staatsanzeiger Baden-Württemberg
AUGUST 17, 2021
Download section added
I have added a download section including speaker sheets, CV, and the latest paper I have published in #ivwtrendmonitor
JULY 20, 2021
Confirmed to speak!
I will discuss the neuroscience of physician decision making at PMRC Europe 2021!
Go ahead and register at
JUNE 8, 2021
Confirmed to speak!
I have been confirmed to speak at the Virtual Effective Pricing & Revenue Management Forum on March 11th 2021. Stay tuned for updates and check out the agenda here:
FEBRUARY 03, 2021
Buch Eventpsychologie erschienen
Im Januar erschien das Riesenwerk "Eventpsychologie" herausgegeben von Steffen Ronft mit Beiträgen von Annemarie Kühnst, Kerstin Lang und mir zum Preismanagement und der Preispsychologie bei Events.
FEBRUARY 1, 2021
Sonja Lehmann and I will present the Banker Effect at TeaP 2021
Sonja and I will present results from her outstanding bachelor thesis at the German Conference of Experimental Psychologists. Cool stuff from social cognition. Stay tuned or register for the conference:
DECEMBER 31, 2020
Sarah Danner wins Aesculap Award for outstanding bachelor thesis!
My thesis student Sarah Danner wins another prize - best bachelor thesis at HFU as assessed by Aesculap!
DECEMBER 02, 2020
Sarah wins BDD Wissenschafts- award!
Sarah Danner wins award for best thesis in Germany on the topic of direct sales!
SEPTEMBER 29, 2020
Behavioral Economics of VAT slash
Check out my LinkedIn article on the pricing psychology of VAT cuts:
JUNE 14, 2020